Friday, September 26, 2008

Best treatment for red acne marks

« ...Microdermabrasion: This procedure would remove the upper layer of the skin allowing fresh skin to grow....
...Although it may be true that exercise does not contribute much to the improvement of the orange-peel-look of your legs, it is important in strengthening your muscles and preventing the further exacerbation of the problem. Even athletes find themselves battling with cellulite, but their subcutaneous fat does not show much. More importantly, exercise improves blood circulation, which you need to prevent formation of fatty deposits underneath the skin....»
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«...Your pores have a greater chance of becoming clogged and infected when your face produces excess oil. Eating more vegetables rich in anti-oxidants will probably do more for your skin than anything else you could do. Any brightly colored vegetable or fruit such as apples, peppers, broccoli, squash and carrots will improve the skin's absorption of the oxygen it needs to be healthy and stay smooth and fresh....»
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tags: clear up my acne, how to clear up acne scars home remedies, how can i get rid of acne

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